Unlocking the Potential: Breathe Life Into Your New Build Garden
04 December 2023
Designing a garden for a new build property presents several challenges. The space will often be devoid of any features or character and the building may be one among a number of similar homes if on a large development.
Here are some approaches that can be taken to harness the potential of your new build garden:
Adopt the Character of the Area
If there is anything distinctive about your location, you might want to use that to create a ‘sense of place’ within your garden design. In a rural location a small wildflower meadow, native plants or fruit trees might do the trick. A coastal area is also rich with references.
Judging how much is enough is subjective. Sometimes a nod to the character of the area works better than a no-holds-barred pastiche. In the coastal setting for example, incorporating pebbles and weathered-looking timbers to evoke a beach and groyne may be sufficient without adding a display of lobster pots and fishing nets. That said, it’s your garden and if the latter ‘floats your boat’ then why not?!
Complimenting the Architecture
Is your new build property isolated from the surrounding landscape, perhaps in a large development? You may still wish to evoke the character of the area, but the exterior appearance of your home will be a strong reference. Consider the lines of the property. These can be extended out into the garden to guide the footprint of the different garden spaces. What colour are the walls, the door and window frames or the roof tiles? Reflect or complement these in the colours of the paving and any garden wall materials you use.
Go Your Own Way
If your home does not have any strong character, you will be less constrained by existing architecture and design. This presents the designer with a blank canvas and requires a bit more creativity to breathe life into a new build garden - but it also means a range of styles are available and personal taste and preference can be fully expressed. You may like a certain style, country garden, minimalist or something more personal. We were once briefed to create a garden that evoked the interests and places a retired owner had lived through her life. The design included a stylish deck (California), a Yatsuhashi bridge (Japan) and reflections of moving water playing on rendered walls (she was a dancer), oh and it had to be wildlife friendly too. The result was striking and a personal oasis for that client.
The Plants Are the Stars
The special design will set the stage for the character of your garden, but remember the plants are the stars. These can screen unwanted views, offer borrowed landscape vistas, evoke a cottage garden idyl or a cool urban chic. Hot colours can excite, muted shades and restricted colour palettes can be calming. If your garden is small your plants have to be real performers, so a good planting scheme is crucial. These will literally ‘breathe life into the new build garden’.
At Haywood Landscapes our garden landscapers have been designing and installing new build gardens for over thirty years across Kent and the South East.
If you’re interested in transforming your space, contact us here or call us on 01227 733447 for more information.