Combatting Box Tree Moth Caterpillars and Protecting Your Garden
25 July 2024
A mainstay of Traditional English Gardens, the Box hedge (Buxus sempervirens) is being wiped out…
The fungal disease Box Blight has been a problem for some time and has now been joined by the caterpillar of the Box Tree Moth. This is relatively new to Britain, but has spread widely across England, particularly London and has now reached the rest of the UK and Ireland.
The Box Tree Moth Caterpillar
The caterpillar feeds on the foliage between Spring and Autumn, producing webbing over their feeding area. The plants can partially or completely dieback if infestation is severe.
Chemical control is difficult as all surfaces of the leaves across the entire plant need to be sprayed - most pesticides will also kill natural enemies and other beneficial insects.
At low levels thorough inspection and removal by hand will help and according to the RHS, a mixed nematode biological control sold as ‘Fruit and Vegetable Protection’ has some effect on the caterpillars.
Alternatives to Box Hedges
Over the last year in Kent, we’ve seen countless box hedges completely decimated, and it seems that we may have to look at replacing Box with alternatives.
Some plants that have a similar appearance to Box and respond well to trimming are:
- Lonicera ligustrina var. yunnanensis 'Maigrün' (with fresh green new foliage)
- Ilex crenata (a small and smooth leaved holly) Ligustrum ovalifolium (Privet, larger growing with bigger leaves)
Creative Garden Ideas
Box is often used as an integral garden feature, for example in a traditional Knot Garden or Parterre. An alternative approach would be to grasp the opportunity and redesign the space. It could become a cosy area to relax with an informal planting scheme, a small meadow to attract wildlife or perhaps a paved terrace with scattered pot plants.
At Haywood Landscapes, our garden designers and landscapers are always delighted to provide creative solutions for your garden problems. Whether it be choosing and planting an alternative hedging plant to replace your Box, selecting and erecting a high-quality fence or screen, or completely rethinking your garden design.
At Haywood Landscapes, we have been advising clients and building beautiful gardens across Kent and the surrounding areas for over 30 years. If you need help finding the right garden solutions for your space, get in touch with us or call 01227 733447.